Connectivity Science

We use an evidence-based approach to achieve the greatest impact on the ground in the places it is needed most; using the latest connectivity conservation science, robust data and local knowledge to identify and prioritise important landscapes and habitat connections. Our science-informed monitoring and evaluation framework is used to track progress, assess the effectiveness of our efforts and guide future decision making, priority setting and direction.

GER provides the valuable data, tools, analysis and knowledge needed to:

  • Develop a better understanding of the issues and values of the GER corridor.
  • Guide high-level policy and investment decisions.
  • Identify priority landscapes, species and actions by understanding natural and human assets and values in the context of regional conservation needs and opportunities.
  • Demonstrate the importance of acting in the GER corridor, by highlighting the significance of the region and identifying opportunities to add value to past efforts.
  • Rationalise decisions and demonstrate measurable success and progress, which is essential for maintaining partner and investor confidence.
  • Maximise opportunities to tap into the emerging green economy, including BioBanking, green carbon economies, carbon sequestration, catchment yield and water quality provision services.
  • Define the scope and scale of funding needs and shape future policy choices. This includes decisions about institutional arrangements and relationships with the scientific community, funding bodies and industry.
  • Increase awareness amongst the Australian and international community of the extraordinary diversity, uniqueness and importance of the region as a repository for biodiversity on a global scale.

Your donation will help us connect people to connect nature.