The Biolinks Alliance was formed in 2010 by community conservation groups in Central Victoria to halt environmental and species decline by restoring landscapes at scale.

What makes this landscape special?
Central Victoria boasts as many species as there are in the whole of Europe, with the majestic Grampians alone harboring over a third of the state’s plant species. Forming the lower reaches of the Great Eastern Ranges, the entire region functions as an ecological system with over half of its species seasonally migrating along it or through parts of it, and many species extending throughout the ranges.

The diverse landscape, from the bird rich box-ironbark country and open woodlands with towering gums, through to the verdant wet forests of the central highlands and grasslands of the fertile Victorian Volcanic Plains, support an incredible host of wildlife. These include bush-stone curlews, bandicoots, spot-tailed quolls, regent honeyeaters, greater gliders, powerful owls and koalas.

The Challenge
While incredibly special and diverse, Central Victoria is an area that faces some major conservation challenges. Central Victoria is one of the most heavily cleared and fragmented landscapes in Australia. As a result, 40% of mammals that were originally found in the region have become extinct and over 150 plant and animal species are currently considered threatened. Woodland bird populations have collapsed, and vegetation quality is in decline.  Remaining habitat refugia are threatened by hotter summers, drought and larger, more intense, bushfires. The Biolinks Alliance emerged as a response to these challenges and to ensure the long-term persistence of this special region’s wildlife, habitat and communities.

About the partnership
The Alliance is currently comprised of 18 member landcare networks, conservation management networks and environment groups extending from the Grampians across to the Australian Alps and from the Dividing Ranges to the Murray River.

The Biolinks Alliance performs a unique role as a capacity and partnership-building organisation that ensures that the significant momentum there is for community-driven conservation on public and private land is supported, coordinated and amplified.

For more information about the Biolinks Alliance, visit


Regional Lead

Sophie Bickford

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